Shedding light on frequently asked questions
are naturopathic doctors licensed doctors?
Yes, naturopathic doctors in BC are licensed under the following regulatory bodies: CNPBC (Canadian Naturopathic Practitioners of British Columbia), CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors) and the BCNA (British Columbia Naturopathic Association). Naturopathic physicians have been registered under health legislation since 1923 and have been a self-regulated health profession since 1936.
What training is required to become a naturopathic doctor?
Licensed naturopathic doctors have a minimum of 7 years post-secondary education. This includes an undergraduate degree (or minimum 3 years pre-medical studies at university) followed by 4 years post-graduate training from an accredited naturopathic medical school. Currently, there are 7 accredited naturopathic medical schools in North America, 2 residing in Canada. Following graduation, students must pass NPLEX - a standardized naturopathic licensing exam across North America, and meet any further requirements to practice within a particular state or province. In order to practice in B.C, naturopathic doctors must successfully complete oral and written licensing board examinations.
can i have both a naturopathic doctor & medical doctor?
Yes, we encourage a collaborative healthcare model working on an integrative system to provide the most comprehensive care for our patients.
does insurance cover naturopathic care?
Yes, the majority of Canadians have health benefits covering naturopathic medicine. Coverage for naturopathic medicine is usually part of the extended health plan (EHP), which includes visits to an ND and often coverage for additional therapies and tests. Most extended health plans cover up to $500.00 per year for naturopathic care, although some plans may cover up to $1000.00 or more. If you are unsure of your coverage, please call your extended health plan provider and ask about coverage for specialized testing and treatments. In regards to the MSP provincial health plan, there is limited coverage ($23.00 up to 10 visits) for individuals on Premium Assistance or social assistance only. For more information regarding naturopathic coverage, please visit the link below:
what does a naturopathic appointment cost?
Prices vary according to appointment times and treatments provided. For further information regarding my current costs, please call the Matraea Centre:
What can I expect at my first naturopathic appointment?
In my practice, I strive to create a positive and safe environment for you to share your story with me. When we don't feel safe in our environment our bodies hold back important information, whether is be on a conscious or subconscious level. My office is a non-judgemental space where I encourage you to embrace your authentic self.
In terms of visit structure, the initial consultation is 1-1.5 hours and includes a comprehensive history, focused physical examination(s) and may include various diagnostic tests. In most cases, some form of treatment and lifestyle/nutritional recommendations will be given at the first appointment, although it may vary depending on the complexity of the case.
what should I bring to my first appointment?
Prior to your initial visit, you will be emailed an intake form to fill out and bring to your appointment. If you do not have access to a printer, please email your filled out form to: to be printed.
In addition to your intake form, please bring copies of any recent laboratory work or imaging - this takes out some of the guess work in our appointment and decreases the time to formulate a treatment plan. If you are unsure how to access your labs, have had a lab test within the last 30 days and have a BC care card number, you are eligible to sign up for myehealth
For any additional questions regrading the initial visit, please CONNECT with me or email reception: